Patti Foster Journal2024-01-17T10:14:19-06:00

July 2023 Events and Appearances

July 11 - Speak and Co-Lead the monthly meeting of HOPE AFTER BRAIN INJURY from 1pm till 2:30pm, at 8200 Anderson Blvd, Ft Worth, TX 76120 in the CONNECTION Bldg of Central Bible Church - is [...]


GO TO to get ready for April 15th's HOPE BEYOND BRAIN INJURY CONFERENCE at UTSW Dallas, Clements Univ Hospital, 8am - 1pm. In-Person and Online. It's free and food will be provided! #BetheHope

June 2023 Events and Appearances

June 13 - Speak and Co-Lead the monthly meeting of HOPE AFTER BRAIN INJURY from 1pm till 2:30pm, at 8200 Anderson Blvd, Ft Worth, TX 76120 in the CONNECTION Bldg of Central Bible Church - is [...]

There is HOPE BEYOND BRAIN INJURY for caregivers and survivors! April 15th, 8:30-1pm UT Southwestern in Dallas Register at: The 2023 Hope After Brain Injury (HABI) Conference, in-person and online, HOPE BEYOND BRAIN [...]

May 2023 Events and Appearances

May 1 - Speak and tell my story for MADD and Victim impact Panel (VIP) in Anderson County, Palestine, TX May 9 - Speak and Co-Lead the monthly meeting of HOPE AFTER BRAIN INJURY from [...]