As I travel and talk with so many people, I hear lots of stories of different situations and things people are working through. Right now as I’m writing this blog-post, many brain-injury people from around the world are coming to my mind, people who feel helpless and vulnerable as they learn to recover the “new you” after brain-injury.

I guess, in all truth, there are more people than we realize who are crying out to the LORD in the midst of some very manipulative circumstances. Maybe you relate in some way…

(Ps 10:12-14) Arise, LORD! Lift up Your hand , O GOD. Do not forget the helpless. Why does the wicked man revile God? Why does he say to himself, “He won’t call me to account”? But you, O GOD, do see trouble and grief; You consider it to take in hand. The victim commits himself to You; You are the helper of the fatherless.